About Us


Our approach at Mindful Modeling is to help leaders solve high-priority problems by designing custom projects that best suit their needs. From your questions, we strive to create accurate answers which drive decision-making by using advanced analytical tools.

Custom Support

At Mindful Modeling, we work closely with leaders to create a highly customized product that best suits their needs. By including you in the design process, we aim to tailor your final product such that it is highly effective for your organization. We pride ourselves on customer support, and commit to working with you to the extent necessary to create a product that best fits the goals of your institution.


Mindful Modeling's analytical process is designed to produce highly accurate results and put meaningful data in our customer’s hands. Our machine learning algorithm searches through 1716 different combinations of models to find the singular most accurate one to be used for forecasting. Through our process we aim to produce analyses which are not only beneficial, but highly accurate as well.